Bloopers & Outtakes - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Movie Review

The Return of the Joker review was a fun one, being kind of outside my usual wheelhouse. (blog post) However, that does mean that I (blog post) tripped (blog) ...Source: Bloopers & Outtakes - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Hellraiser Revelations Movie Review

The final movie in the Hellraiser franchse (as of 2014) Hellraiser Revelations was... oh screw it. Dimension films needed to keep the rights to the series, and threw this together over a weekend for just that purpose. (blog) Infamously it has a different actor portray Pinhead, but it also is the first Hellraiser in YEARS to actually be written as

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Hellraiser Deader Movie Review

The seventh film in the Hellraiser franchise, which strangely due to odd distribution rights tends to get sold on it's own (while you can get a 4 pack of 4,5,6 and 8) Hellraiser Deader is the story about how someone tried to make (blog post) a semi interesting psychological horror film with elements of Lovecraft, (blog post) only to have the scri

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Hatchet 3 Movie Review - Chunky Cajun Carnage

It's bittersweet when I come across a movie like Hatchet 3, where the creators went all out with the practical (blog post) effects but I have horror movie to do (blog post) ...Source: Hatchet 3 Movie Review - Chunky Cajun Carnage - Decker Shado More Videos

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Reigo King of the Sea Monsters Movie Review

So it's been years since Gamerathon 3 and I've still yet to get a chance to watch Gamera 4: The Truth. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I can't find more kaiju (blog post) flicks directed by the man who created it! That brings us to Reigo: King of the Sea Monsters. It's a big monster from the deep sea, and it likes to smash things. That's.. pretty much

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